Project presenter: Klemen Klinar (
Operation is a part of the Leader project
Project timeline:
2010 – presentation of project to invited municipalities, decision of municipalities on cooperation, confirmation of decision on cooperation, application to the project for the year 2011
Successful application, project accepted by UO LAS and confirmed LIN by MKGP
2011 - 2012 – implementation of the project
Project leader: RAGOR, project partners: participating municipalities
Previous experience: 2008-2010 saw the participation of the following in the project: Local communities Dovje, Gorje, Kranjska gora, Žirovnica, Radovljica, Bled, Jesenice, Preddvor
Houses were or will be equipped with clay tablets with house names and issue booklets for individual municipalities with a short presentation of the original house name.
Project implementation means: work group consists of experts from various fields (Slavic studies, history); origin of the names is explored in an area, defined by the project for an individual municipality; the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia and parish archives are researched, locals visited, a connection with the Slovenian Genealogy Society is made; the project also involves local elementary school pupils, which perform research. Thus, the project wishes to bring the local tradition and culture closer to the youth.
Measuring unit of the research: Within the project, unified criteria for the definition of names, means of writing and research of name origins have been defined (origin of name - house name and the origin of it - had to exist before world war II). The writing criteria, too, are unified: Pr ŠPÁN (accent on the first vowel, no dialect writing)
Project goal: research local names in a particular area within a municipality as a part of the cultural and linguistic heritage of the Slovenian countryside which is being forgotten
Result: researched house names with their origins and clay or wooden tablets with the coat of arms of the municipality and written house name; printed booklet with a list and description of house names with stories of their origins. Contribution to the orderliness of the town. Researched house names are entered into the online lexicon of the Slovenian Genealogy Society and into the Geographic Information System (GIS); possible application to PISO. Entry of house names into the unified house name database of Gorenjska region.
The project includes: name research, name tablet creation, booklet publishing for each individual municipality in a batch of around 300 pieces, installation of tablets
Name tablets: the municipality can choose one of the two types:
- clay type: oval shaped, with imprinted municipality coat of arms and house name; 50 year warranty (8 EUR + installation = included in project)
wooden type: more expensive than clay; less weather resistant (16EUR (?))
So far, the participating municipalities decided for clay tablets.
Booklet: each municipality receives its own booklet of a specific format; it includes a short description of the origins of each name with a shorter story, if it is known; older photographs are also included. Every municipality decides on the decorative strip colour.
Standardised shape and size of booklet; enables individual municipalities to receive the same booklet form with the same design if they participate in the project multiple times
Selection of research area: it is up to individual municipalities to decide which area (town, local community, settlement) they would wish to implement the operation in.
Experience in operations to this point have shown it is sensible to select an area, where the largest incidence of old names is probable. The selection of area where modern buildings are predominant does not make sense. A municipality may apply one part of its territory in the year 2010. In the year 2011, within the operation with the same name, it may reapply with another chosen area within the territory of the municipality.
Size of research area: Within the operation, it is possible to research between 500 and 700 houses each year in the chosen area, so the number of chosen houses may not exceed 700 in the selected area.
Tablets with house names were already received by the settlements Adergas, Trata pri Velesovem, Velesovo, Češnjevek, Praprotna Polica, Dvorje, Grad, Pšata, Stiška vas, Ambrož pod Krvavcem, Apno, Ravne, Sidraž, Sveti Lenart, Šenturška Gora and Štefanja Gora.

How do you say this in your area?