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4207 Cerklje na Gorenjskem


Important telephone numbers


113 Police
112 Emergency medical assitence, Firefighters, Rescue service
080 12 00 Police - crime report, anonimous call
1987 Traffic info (AMZS)
1188 Domestic phone numbers
1180 International phone numbers
 195 Time
090 93 9881 Useful info 0,4923 EUR/min








  • Mon, Tue, Wed: 14.00 - 19.00
  • Thu, Fri: 8.00 - 13.00





Gorenjska banka d.d., Ekspozitura Cerklje

T: 04 208 45 10

Mon – Fri:  8.00 – 11.30 in 14.00 – 17.00


Post office


Monday 08.00-18.00
Tuesday 08.00-18.00
Wednesday 08.00-18.00
Thursday 08.00-18.00
Friday 08.00-18.00
Saturday 08.00-12.00
Sunday closed




Pharmacy Cerklje


Mon - Fri: 7.00 - 19.00

Sat: 8.00 - 12.00


Summer time

  • Mon, Wed, Fri: 7.00 - 15.00
  • Tue, Thu: 12.00 - 20.00
  • Sat: closed  


Krvavec - Operating time 


Cable car



Monday - Wednesday 7.00 - 14.00 7.00 - 17.00
Thursday, Friday 7.00 - 14.00 7.00 - 18.00
Saturday, Sunday, National holidays 8.00 - 18.00 8.00 - 18.00


Summer park Krvavec



Thursday, Friday - 12.00 - 17.30
Saturday, Sunday, National holidays 10.00 - 17.30 10.00 – 17.30


Motor cycles, private cars and vans whose maximum permitted weight does not exceed 3.5 tons must carry a vignette in order to drive on any Slovenian motorway or the Ljubljana ring road. 

From 1 July 2008, motor cycles, private cars and vans whose maximum permitted weight does not exceed 3.5 tons must carry a vignette in order to drive on any Slovenian motorway or the Ljubljana ring road.




Types of vignette

Weekly vignette for (two-track) motor vehicles up to maximum permitted weight of 3,500 kg 15 EUR

Monthly vignette for (two-track) motor vehicles up to maximum permitted weight of 3,500 kg 30 EUR

Annual vignette for (two-track) motor vehicles up to maximum permitted weight of 3,500 kg 95 EUR

Weekly vignette for (single-track) motor cycle  7.50 EUR

Six-monthly vignette for (single-track) motor cycle 25 EUR

Annual vignette for (single-track) motor cycle  47.50 EUR


Sales points

Vignettes are sold at petrol stations in Slovenia and neighbouring countries and at branches of the national and foreign automobile clubs, at post offices in Slovenia and at some magazine stands. For more information a list of sales points is available.

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