Holiday on a mountain farm
If perfect time-off means to you picturesque nature, peaceful surroundings, animals, delicious tastes of homemade food and comfort of rural culture, then Cerklje is the perfect location. You can expect a warm welcome and an unforgettable experience of the real countryside.
Pokrajina občine Cerklje je v glavnem agrarna, z manjšimi, slikoviti vasmi. Trajnostni razvoj področja je usmerjen v ohranjanje lokalne identitete, tradicije in navad, v zaščito naravnega okolja in v krepitev tradicionalne ter ekološke pridelave izdelkov lokalnega izvora.
Kind hosts will present to you all the local characteristics and possibilities of spending time on their farms in the beautiful surroundings. That is relaxing, educational and financially available experience you can enjoy together with a group of friends, your partner or a whole family.
The countryside of municipality Cerklje is mostly agricultural with small picturesque villages. Sustainable development of the area is focused on the preservation of local identity, tradition and habits, protection of the natural environment and organic production of products of local descent.
The idyllic rural surroundings of Cerklje present an excellent way of escape from the stressful and hectic pace of living in the city. Let your time slowdown in the embrace ofsurrounding Alps with a long weekend off or a longer relaxing holiday
Trust our hosts from Cerklje who will take you to a whole new world. Personal conversation and warmth build hearts and soul of our interpersonal relations.
Beautiful surroundings invite us to go for a walk, where we don't need much luck to see a silhouette of a deer that jumps on the near meadows or at the edge of forest.
You can march on surrounding hills and hilltops of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, go for a bike, motorcycle or car ride, and the more daring ones can take a look at Cerklje with its surroundings from the sky when parachuting. Great way to spend time outside is to visit ski resort on Krvavec in winter, which offers interesting recreational possibilities also summer season begins.
The locals of Cerklje also offer horse-riding and they can take you for a hunt or fishing. Collecting healing herbs, mushrooms and other forest fruits is also a very special kind of relaxation. Perhaps an experienced local housewife can tell you more about their usage. She might also share recipe of local dishes with you and show you how to make them. Take a look into everyday life on the farms in Cerklje. Have a look at goats, sheep, cows, horses, ponies, pigs... Play with the puppy, snuggle with kittens... You can actively join the everyday chores in this beautiful landscape. Would you like to try turn the hay on the meadow, pick apples, chopp woods? Would you like to learn how to milk the cow? After recreation in nature and working on the farm a smell of freshly baked bread and a table full of minced lard, smoked ham, sausages, butter, sour milk, cottage cheese, cheese, honey and other homemade products will wait for you. Maybe you would like a piece of tarragon potica for a desert, accompanied by gin glass of homemade schnapps? Have a rest on a baker's oven and try sleeping on the hayloft..
You can find the providers of accommodation facilities on this link.