At crossroads, by the roads and paths, there are simple architectural monuments - markings. They are a memorial of an event, plea or vow, or simply meant to direct our steps. Their external appearance may only be a stone pillar, a wooden cross, brick tower or even a chapel with a painted fresco.
- Plague column from the year 1645 stands under the "parish linden tree" and is an example of simple pillar marking.
- Antočevo marking on Šenturška Gora did not maintain its original appearance, however, it maintained the fundamental design of a 16th century marking. The Češnjevek village marking, Dev marking and entirely painted Musec marking at Zgornji Brnik, Grošelj and Šlebir marking in Zalog belong among Baroque marking designs with a more dynamic architecture and painting.
- Markings in the form of chapels use simplified church architecture with an open internal area, within which is a mensa, statue of a saint. This group includes the chapel in Stiška vas, Hribušek chapel and Kral chapel in Grad.